Thursday, November 11, 2010

quicko: an un-jolly 'oliday?

So evidently today is a holiday.  In Australia I presume, though possibly just an obscure pocked in the north.  I don't know much about it, but according to Garry I clearly should.  Shh.  Don't tell him I don't.


Laetitia :-) said...

So people from the USA really do refer to any public 'event' as a 'holiday' even when you don't get a day off for it? I'd always wondered about that.

Remembrance Day - WWI Armistice was set for 11 am on 11 November 1918. Were you not in Britain in early November? They would have 'celebrated' Remembrance Sunday on (I think) the Sunday closest to 11/11.

Mom said...

In the US, we call it Veteran's Day, and it is today, Nov. 11. It is a federal holiday, but some things remained open anyway, like the library, although there was no mail today.