Monday, November 15, 2010

quicko: summer sun

This weekend was the first real weekend of summer.  I have mixed feelings.

I love summer.  Technically, it's my favorite season.  (I always used to struggle with this:  I do honestly love all the seasons, and especially winter, having lived in, quite literally, a winter wonderland growing up -- well, at least a couple weeks most years.  And because my birthday is in February, I felt a certain loyalty toward winter.  Besides, everybody else always says summer is their favorite, and where's the fun in being trite?  But then I came to Sydney and experienced "my" city in summer and went surfing for my birthday and decided very quickly that summer was actually my favorite.  But like I said.  I do love winter, too.  And I'm really quite fond of spring, and certain parts of autumn.)  But it's just coming a bit fast.

I like the daylight savings of having it light so late at night.  That's nice.  Though it does mean that I end up staying up way later because I can't do any of those "oh-gosh-why'd-you-want-to-do-that-when-it's-light?" sort of chores until after dark, which means I can't write until even later, which means it's well and truly light when I wake up.  And that's just a bit much for me.  I don't like mornings at the best of times, but finding light in them is just a bit more than I can handle.  One slap in the face too much for me.

But besides, I'm just not sure I'm ready for summer.  I like to have summer when I'm well and truly happy, and though I'm getting there, I'm just not ecstatic enough for the weather to be fully exuberant yet.  It was so rainy a few days ago, what happened to that?  Has it given up already?  A bit of rain is nice, it keeps things normal.  Too much sun and you start going a wee bit loopy.  Or maybe that's just me.

I don't know.  I'm happy enough summer's coming, but I just wish it'd take its time a bit more.  Let me fully say goodbye to spring.  I'll be excited to go to the beach soon, just not today.  Wait a week?  Two?  Deal?  Cool.  See you in December, Sun -- I can't wait!

1 comment:

Sam said...

I hear you! I am happy it's not a trial getting up out of bed - you know that whole "'s sooo cold" dash for warm clothing and heaters. However, I'm no big fan of humidity + heat + burning sun. I'm afraid that is what it's going to be like for the next couple of months so I'll be staying indoors from now until March probably! :0)