Sunday, November 14, 2010

quicko: BBQ

This is a huge problem in Australia.  People are constantly having bar-b-ques (or, as my students call them, BBQ parties -- which sounds slightly like an undergrad extravaganza not so far removed from a toga party ...) without any bar-b-que sauce!

It is ridiculous.  Not only that, they call refer to the grill itself as a BBQ (!?) and (are you sitting down?) rarely have BBQ sauce -- ever!!!

It's so sad.  I don't know what to do.  But be warned:  if you come to Australia and the friendly natives invite you for an exciting afternoon of BBQ fun, don't be deceived:  they will offer you no BBQ whatsoever, and you will be left on your own with a sad, dry burger.  And maybe a bun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, now you’re just being ridiculous.

We have barbeque sauce at barbeques all the time, although it’s really only there as a cultural aberration included for unpatriotic exceptions and American tourists, since every one knows that tomato sauce is the officially sanctioned meat condiment of Australia (there is no such thing as ketchup).

And if the flaming cooking device you use for setting fire to your sausages isn’t what you call a barbeque, then the plain fact of the matter is that you’re wrong. It is a barbeque. We invented them. Anything else you might have to say about the matter is also wrong.