Thursday, August 12, 2010

quicko: HSCs

These are the tests Australian students take at the end of high school. I don't know what they stand for, though I'm guessing something more along the lines of High Standard Certificate than Hyper Silly Chickens. Who knows though, could be! Americans don't really have an equivalent. HSCs differ from SAT/ACTs in that they're required and therefore everyone does them. I think ...


Laetitia :-) said...

The HSC is particular to NSW. It stands for Higher School Certificate.

As education is state-based (but who knows what will happen after the fed election), each State has its own system. The Queensland 'equivalent' is the Queensland Certificate of Education.

KIM said...

Thanks! I was curious about that -- good to know!

redhedqd said...

12th Grade Proficiency Tests?