Tuesday, August 31, 2010

quicko: whilst

Drives me a bit crazy, but it's not as bad here as in England: whilst. They actually use it!! I thought it was just kind of some older English you'd read in a Dickens novel, but no, it still gets bandied about here a bit from time to time. Like I said, not nearly as much or as irksomely as in England, but a bit more than I'd prefer. There's a couple similar such -st endings I think, but I can't seem to remember any of the others at the moment. Guess you'll just have to use your imagination!


Unknown said...

I can only think of amongst. What's so irksome about it?

KIM said...

Hmm, maybe it's more who I remember saying it -- I think possibly because it sounds like only a ridiculously educated professorial sort of thing nowadays (from the 1700s? 1800s? in common use? actually, it reminds me of the German history of the language, though you could certainly answer that more accurately!), and yet was used by lay folk with reckless abandon. It just sounded strange to me. Maybe that's just me.