Wednesday, August 11, 2010

quicko: netball

An Australian craze. Everybody and their brother seems to have been on a netball team, be looking for someone to join their team or trying to start one.

And, no, thank you. If you're looking, I'm really not interested. Now if you need a fourth for 500 -- well, that's another story!!


Unknown said...

I'm with you on this one. I do not know of a more frustrating sport.

Laetitia :-) said...

I avoided netball like the plague - why, oh, why would I want to do that to my knees, ankles and hips?

Sam said...

Yes, even me believe it or not! Actually, that was only because it was compulsory at school to play it, but all my pals did it after school and on the weekends! The mind boggles!