Sunday, December 26, 2010

quicko: boxing day

So today is Boxing Day.  You know, it's that little thing that shows up on our calendars on December 26 and nobody knows what it is or why it's there.  Ages ago I heard it was a British thing from olden days that, after Christmas, the family would give small boxes to their servants on the day after the day.  I have no idea how true it is, but it's the idea I've been thoroughly convinced by for a large number of years.

Regardless, Australians celebrate Boxing Day, if by celebrate you mean "call the day Boxing Day and not do much of anything."  It's really more a title for a day than anything, from what I can tell.  Nothing significant happens on it, but it accomplishes basically the same thing as The Day After Christmas.  Movies are released, plans are made and fun is had.  The end.

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