Tuesday, March 29, 2011

quicko: rotting lunches

So even though I have a new job, I still happen to remember a thing or two about my old one.  And one of these things is that some people would bring their --carnivorous -- lunches in the morning and not put them in the fridge!  They'd just let them sit out all day, and then eat them.  They assured me it was fine, no problem, didn't affect them.

Well, if that was the case, you'd just think they'd have had the strength to toss a small paper ball all the way to the recycling box.


Unknown said...

Carnivorous lunches? Is that a sandwich that bites you back?

KIM said...

Oh, aren't you clever!

Ha. Meat.

Laetitia :-) said...

Hahaha, oh dear. I sit nearish to the staff tea-room at work (a wall, a couple of corridors and a cubicle partition separate us). Some lunch time smells are fine whereas others make me abandon my own lunch (normally not a problem as most of them are vege and/or frozen) and go out to buy something. Freshly heated capsicum is one of those smells.