Wednesday, April 11, 2012

quicko: hot cross buns

I meant to take a picture of some hot cross buns so you could see what they look like, but it seems that someone has eaten the last one.  Nevermind.  You didn't even know you wanted a picture of hot cross  buns until about three seconds ago when you learned you couldn't have it anyway.  And besides.  Google images totally can help you.  It could help me too, but it's late and I have to publish this post before midnight unless I want to go in and mess with the time like I usually do, but I don't feel like it tonight.  It's late and I'm tired and I've got less than sixty seconds now, so I hope you enjoyed your post.

Ah yes.  Ps.  Hot cross buns are an Easter delicacy here.  You should totally try some.


Mom said...

They are also in the grocery store bakeries here, too, for Easter. We just never bought them, but could easily make them at home. I suppose we don't because I think they often have raisins in them, and Dad doesn't like raisins in baked goods, so we just go with the Marilyn Magnuson rolls instead.

Laetitia :-) said...

You mean you *don't* have them in the USA? :-0