Monday, February 28, 2011

quicko: gas prices

They call it petrol here (okay, this one I actually grant them!), and I figure it never hurts to have a quick update of comparison shopping.  I'm highly attuned to gas prices when I'm paying for it, but when I'm just buying (a ridiculously overpriced $41-) bus ticket every week, I don't care so much.  But for the record:  at the moment, gas prices are about $1.40/liter (they of course spell it "litre"), which is about (insert 5 minutes for Kim to do frantic math and google and multiple and divide until she finally hits on something that seems reasonably probable in terms of a result) $5.40/gallon.  I think.  But I could be wrong.  I'll give you the numbers and you can do the rest:  1 liter is about .26 gallons.  1/1.4 = .26/.364.  Also, 3.85 is significant somehow.  Knock yourselves out, but I think gas is pricey here.


Mom said...

Gas prices are going up here, too. They have been over $3.00 per gallon for quite awhile; this week, it's been about $3.29 by our house. That $41 a week is sounding pretty darn good, as it costs significantly more than that to fill up the car now.

Laetitia :-) said...

How long have you lived here? Were you here when the fed gov't would raise the tax on it to 'keep a lid on inflation' (I think the idea was that if we were discouraged from driving we'd save more, thereby keeping inflation in check); never mind the self-feeding system that as people are reliant on the stuff to get to work the cost of living (i.e. inflation) would naturally increase. Talk about a self-feeding loop.

Your equivalent product generally has a lower octane rating which is cheaper to produce. Your car engines also tend to be heavier to survive the knock from lower octane fuel. Unfortunately this leads to lower efficiency for your vehicle which means you use more fuel. So it's 6 of one, half a dozen of the other over the long term for running costs.