Sunday, July 18, 2010

news flash: politics

It seems the Australians have decided to have a federal election: August 21. 2010. Can't say they don't get down to business!


Unknown said...

The alternative would be to hold a lengthy, needlessly complicated and expensive campaign process running for roughly six months and then inaugurate a new PM in the middle of winter. Frankly that sounds like a stupid idea. Julia calls an election and then both sides (and the Greens I guess) get a month or so to tell us why they're the best, and then we all vote. Certain democracies who shall remain nameless could learn a thing or two.

Sam said...

It was a bit of a snap election, however, we were expecting it some time soon and I understand that's why the Labour party pushed Rudd out so Gillard could have a tiny bit of a lead up to it...Having said that, it's nowhere near as long a lead up as there is in the States!! That goes on for a good year or two (i.e. the primaries e.t.c), doesn't it?