Thursday, September 17, 2009

quicko: to shout

v., to treat; or n., to buy a round of a drinks, a meal, etc. for everyone else (drinks) or someone else (meal, etc.). Common collocations: "my shout," "I'll shout you this one" or "Are you sure it isn't your shout?"


Unknown said...

Really? You don't have this in America? What verb do you use to buy a round?

Did I just answer my own question?

KIM said...

well ... the first problem is that i was rarely of age to hang out with drinking friends in america, and even when i was, i didn't have so many that drank as vociferously as you aussies ... however, i'm pretty sure in, say, coffee contexts, we'd go with something along the lines of "it'll be my treat" or "nah, i got this one" or "this one's on me." yes, i suppose one could also simply buy a round, though, as my experience was mostly coffeeshop-based, a need for such lingo rarely arose.