Wednesday, November 5, 2008

quicko: our politics

I'm so glad we've got a new President picked: now, hopefully, everyone will leave me alone!

It's amazing how many people here thought that my vote was their business. I don't know if it's a me thing or an American thing, but I always thought votes were fairly private matters. Families talk about them, friends broach them delicately and acquaintances never dream of going there.

Here, near-strangers have no qualms about asking who I voted for in the same breath as hello.

I know it's part conversation, part curiousity and part a cultural difference, but it's taken me a bit by surprise, as have people's assumptions that I'm obviously voting one way or another. They don't even know me!

And, call me antisocial, but can I just say I can't stand conversations with people who never normally talk to me, but suddenly thrust stubby fingers at me and demand to know my political positions? Golly gee, I'm an American, I need a two-foot bubble of personal space!!

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