Thursday, November 6, 2008

quicko: howdy, partner

So here people don't have husbands and wives.

Well, okay, some of them do, but they don't call them that. They call them "partners."

It's a PC, very socially ept thing to do. "Partner" applies not only to husbands and wives, but also to boyfriends and girlfriends or homosexual partners. It's a nice, neutral way to specify an important person and is a whole lot faster than "that person I'm romantically attached to in some way and probably live with."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No, no, no! Here I must protest. Calling you significant other your partner is not Australian. In fact, it's un-Australian, and is the habit, as you say, of people who like the PC bandwagon. Australians do have husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, other halves and maybe spouses if you have to be gender non-specific. Only tennis players and ballroom dancers have partners.

End of rant.