Thursday, May 26, 2011

quicko: nice strangers

Twice recently I have had remarkable, uncharacteristically lovely experiences.

First, a couple days ago when I was en route to a late evening event at the Writers' Festival by bus I stopped on my way out to ask the driver directions. 

"I'm going that way," he said.  "I can take you.  I have to turn the lights out, but you're welcome to come along."

I was amazed:  a free ride (Well, I get a My Multi.  I had certainly paid for it!) from a nice bus driver!

Secondly, today I had finished a rapid dinner of takeaway sushi on a solitary bench at Wynyard only to decide I was ridiculously thirsty.  Seeing as there aren't any water fountains in Australia (hyperbole, people, hyperbole!), I naturally determined hot chocolate was my next best course.  I found a little shop that was still open and asked if they were still doing hot drinks.  The woman working there needed a repetition of the question about three times until she finally understood, but when she did she explained they were only doing hot chocolate and chai.  That wasn't a problem in the least for me, but the cash situation was.  The small hot chocolate was advertised at $2.50.

"How much do you have?" she asked.

"$2.10," I said.

"It okay," she said.  "I make you."

And she did.  I was blown away.

And there you have it:  two kind strangers -- in the space of not even a week!

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