Monday, June 14, 2010

quicko: the queen's birthday

Today just so happens to be the Queen's birthday in Australia, though, actually the Queen had her birthday back in April but, as you may recall, Australia has an abundance of public holidays in April and prefers to space them out. The Queen's birthday is one of these deemed most suitable to float where necessary in the year.

It also happens to be Flag Day in America, which really has, to the best of my knowledge, utterly no equivalent in Australia.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Actually, the date was set a few monarchs ago, when England had a King with a birthday in the middle of the English winter. Obviously that was considered a lousy time for a parade, so they decided to make the celebration of the King/Queen's Birthday a permanent fixture in the the English Summer (which is, of course, the middle of winter in Australia; a lousy time to have a parade, which is probably why we don't) regardless of when the present reigning monarch's birthday might actually be.

Mind you, June in Darwin is a magnificent time to have a Greek Glenti