Saturday, August 29, 2009

quicko: fork over the fries

Australians just might -- use a fork to eat their fries, that is.


Unknown said...

Firstly, if you're going to comment on Australian customs we need to talk about terminology.

There is no such thing as a fry.

The only possible exception is at Macca's, where they look at you funny if you ask for chips.

As for eating them with a fork, it depends on where you are. At Macca's? No. On the beach with battered hake? No. In a fancy restaurant which offered you chips as an alternative to summer salad or baked vegetables? Probably. In a pub? Grey area. You could get away with either in mixed company, but all male goups will probably still go with fingers.

KIM said...

Fair enough on the fry comment, but you've got to admit "fork over the fries" has a much better ring than "fork over the chips." Artistic license, point to Kim.

And ... note the use of "might" -- not a blanket assurance, and, as you as point out, there are possible circumstances for forks. Strict grammatical accuracy, point to Kim.

And finally, to the Americans, when Garry says "Macca's" he means "McDonald's." Just in case you were wondering. Authentic use of Australian English, point to Garry.