Monday, December 22, 2008

quicko: dates

Don't get too excited, I'm just going for the calendar kind here. As in, when it is December, you write "12/day/year," aren't I right? The Australians get it all muddled up, though, and write "day/12/year," which is extremely confusing when you've just figured say, October 1 was your arrival day in Sydney, and suddenly you realize you meant to be landing in Australia in January and you panic madly until finally it dawns on you that actually the day we're talking about is in January, it just happens to be the 10th.

Of course it's also confusing when all of a sudden you hit a 24 and go "what! there's no 24th month!" but that's slightly easier to sort out than figuring it out the other way round.


Anonymous said...

Dear kirriblli kim - I do the same thing here in Canada! They write it the same way and it has caught me off guard quite a few times. Yikes...those dates will get you.

Anonymous said...

You have to admit, writing day/month/year makes sense - it's a progression!

KIM said...

I'll grant you the date system if you grant me elevator flooring ...