Wednesday, October 12, 2011

quicko: scheme

I'm also really convinced I've written about this before, but I can't seem to find a past post solely dedicated to it and I've run a tad bit dry of new ideas of late, so here goes:  scheme.  A ploy, a plot, a conniving, slimy, weasly, low-down sort of evil a scoundrel, a cad, a fly-by-night salesman, a highwayman, a music man would pull.  Here the government runs them regularly.  You'd think they'd try to hide that.  Or come up with a different name.  Or perhaps they're simply a bit more transparent where governmental policy is concerned?

1 comment:

Laetitia :-) said...

Transparency - yes - don't trust anything the rotten sods say. Applies to every level of government (not the bureaucracy).