Monday, September 27, 2010

quicko: library rant

I've mentioned before that I don't care for the Customs House library, but I'd like to mention it again.

I want a book.  Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde, specifically (and would be hugely grateful if anyone has a copy I could borrow!), because I was halfway through my American library's copy of it when it had to fly home with mom.  So tonight I went to see if I could get it from the CHL.

First, they didn't have it on the shelf.  Fair enough.

Second, they only have one copy of it.  Poor form, in my opinion.  It is, after all, a popular book, and they are, after all, a library.  (A lending library, even, which is more than you can say for other libraries in Sydney!)

Third, they wanted to charge me.  Not just once.  Three times.  First, for unpaid fees.  Not fines, fees.  It seems I've requested other books in the past and not collected them, thus racking up fees.  Second, for the fee of requesting this one.  Third, a membership fee of $15 because I don't live in the CHL's technical jurisdiction.  (Remember that north-south divide here?  Sheesh.)  I might just point out that I actually paid that membership fee already -- but over a year ago.  Evidently it's expired.

Bearing in mind that on the last $15 I paid I only ever checked out one book, I didn't feel up to justifying trying again.  By the time you add up all my fees, you're very near the cost of just going out and buying the book.

Either that or trying the North Sydney library, which is what the librarian more or less recommended.  Possibly I won't have to pay there, though she can't guarantee it.


Mom said...

Too bad about the book issue. At least we do know that they have decent public restrooms, which may be their only redeeming factor, albeit a good one when needed.

Laetitia :-) said...

Come to Logan, Qld - no library fees; of course, it helps to be a resident for the purpose of borrowing a book (maybe stay with a resident a while to get them to borrow the book for you).

Crazyjedidiah said...

Having completed my Diploma in Library/Information Services I found out about libraries.
Most puclic Libraries are run by the local council, and will have a number of branches for patrons to use. However if you do not live in the council area, you need to pay a fee to borrow. So it is better to join your local library.