Sunday, December 13, 2009

quicko: freddo frogs

Freddo frogs are standard Australian candy (aka lollies). They're chocolate, frog-shaped and delicious dipped in tea.

While we're on the subject, such sweets are found not in the candy aisle, nor even the lolly aisle, but the confectionery section. And while we're not quite on the subject, thread and fabric and such are found under the heading: haberdashery.

Balderdash, anyone?

1 comment:

Mom said...

They sound so ...Hogwarts-ish: chocloate frogs that one dips in tea. Do they come alive and hop away then?

Haberdashery is a term no longer in common usage here in the states, but is something from a bygone era here. Interesting it is still being used there.