Wednesday, November 25, 2009

update: max brenner's death in a dish

Just wanted you all to be the first to know: Max Brenner has some new desserts out (actually, they've been out several weeks now; I do hope you don't feel slighted I didn't mention this sooner, but I had to have a little head start, now didn't I?) and I can definitively recommend one but not the other. Don't waste your money on the ice cream sandwich cookie thing. The cookies are hard and it's downright difficult to get a spoonful of them, let alone enjoy the taste. Hold out for the ice cream brownie thing: not only does the chocolate they serve on the side harden on the ice cream, they also include crunchy waffle balls! Crunchy waffle balls, in case you were not aware, are amazing. Furthermore, there are sprinkles. And there are three small-ish chunks of brownie. Normally I am all for big chunks of brownie, but these are really quite decadent and, trust me, if I'm telling you three small chunks are enough, three small chunks are enough. It's truly scrumptious, though not exactly in the Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang sense of the phrase.

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